Thursday, July 19, 2007

What is Hindering Your Prayers?

Greetings, Brother Jeremy asked me to be a guest blogger this morning. I'm Greg, the pastor of the church that Jeremy attends. Prayer is a very important part of the Christian walk. There are so many Christians that are walking around powerless. Why is that? Because the Power comes from above, and the only way to have it in your live is through and by prayer. Prayer is a privilege that all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ posses, but there is also a responsibility for all believers to make sure there are no hindrances to their prayers.

"If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:" Psalm 66:18.

The Word of God makes it very clear that unconfessed sin (iniquity), in the life of a believer is a hindrance to our prayers. In this day, with so many churches with preachers that are afraid to preach the whole counsel of God, to many Christians do not even hear sin preached against. I believe in eternal security as much as the next independent fundamental preacher, but if there is sin in our lives, it must be confessed. The Bible states that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us."
How is your prayer life? Do you go to Him often in prayer? Are you regarding iniquity in you heart? If so, you have a hindrance in your prayer life. Confess!!

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