Thursday, June 14, 2007

A whole lot of PREACHIN'!

My people,
My week has been really busy to say the least. I have heard 3 messages within the past four days! This week has been such a blessing. What message struck me the most out of all three of them was preached by Bro. Tony Smith from Champion Baptist College, and it was at Ripley Baptist Tabernacle. He preached on Jeremiah 10:23 where the Bible tells us: "O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps,"(KJV). What comes out from this verse is man must depend on God, and not of himself to direct his way in life. As humans, we always seem to think that we have control over every situation that comes about us. What we don't understand is that it is God that walks for us. God's will for my life comes through His direction and my obedience for Him. As Christians we must seek the will of God for our daily lives by prayer, obedience to His Word, and our actions. If there is some obstacle that you are battling today, I pray that you will seek His will for your life and not your own.
This Saturday marks a week before the VBS activities begin at church. I cannot wait to begin! I will be teaching the teens class at our church and I am really pumped about the opportunity that God has given me to teach these young and uprising adults. Sometimes we fail to realize how hard Satan tries to devour this age group, and I pray that any action that I do that week will show them Christ. Please remember me in your prayers this week concerning that upcoming event.

Preacher Boy


Jim said...

Bro. Jeremy,

My family and I enjoy PREACHIN!!! A friend of yours, Barry McCloud, gave your blog address to my brother- and sister-in-laws who live and attend church in Alum Creek. Barry recognized them or us while you showed him my daughter's blog, Courtney's Contemplations, several weeks ago.

I wanted to invite you to read my blog, Standing in the Gap, as well as my two younger sons' blog, The Good Report, if you get a chance. From what I have read on your blog, we appear to be like-minded!!!!!

If you like campmeeting style preaching, you need to head down to Faith Baptist Camp in Resaca, GA next week... my family is headed down that way tomorrow afternoon after church!!!

My wife and I are originally from St. Albans but have been down here in NC for just over 25 years!!!

Keep on serving Him!!!

Anonymous said...

Bro Jeremy found you website from Bro Jim. Just wanted to say keep preaching the Word. Good to fine a young preacher on fire for the Lord. If able come to my website and check us out. GOd Bless You my brother.

Bro Tim