Thursday, June 14, 2007

A whole lot of PREACHIN'!

My people,
My week has been really busy to say the least. I have heard 3 messages within the past four days! This week has been such a blessing. What message struck me the most out of all three of them was preached by Bro. Tony Smith from Champion Baptist College, and it was at Ripley Baptist Tabernacle. He preached on Jeremiah 10:23 where the Bible tells us: "O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps,"(KJV). What comes out from this verse is man must depend on God, and not of himself to direct his way in life. As humans, we always seem to think that we have control over every situation that comes about us. What we don't understand is that it is God that walks for us. God's will for my life comes through His direction and my obedience for Him. As Christians we must seek the will of God for our daily lives by prayer, obedience to His Word, and our actions. If there is some obstacle that you are battling today, I pray that you will seek His will for your life and not your own.
This Saturday marks a week before the VBS activities begin at church. I cannot wait to begin! I will be teaching the teens class at our church and I am really pumped about the opportunity that God has given me to teach these young and uprising adults. Sometimes we fail to realize how hard Satan tries to devour this age group, and I pray that any action that I do that week will show them Christ. Please remember me in your prayers this week concerning that upcoming event.

Preacher Boy

Friday, June 8, 2007

Update on What's Going ON

Hey folks,
Just wanting to update you on my very busy life. I just got back from an Independent Baptist fellowship, which turned out to be one of my biggest blessing out of the day. The preacher was from St. Louis, MO and he preached on the power the gospel still has in our lives today. It was amazing to hear some testimonies from some of the older pastors there at the fellowship. The message was pretty fiery(those are the best), and it really made me think about my role in spreading the gospel of Christ. So I pose this question for you today, are you telling others about Jesus; or are you just keeping the mighty, powerful gospel to yourself? We must proclaim the truth today and see God work through other people's life changing experiences.
This coming week will be a very busy one. Sunday we have church, and I have the privilege to preach the evening service. On Monday night I attend a Bible study, this Tuesday night my pastor and I will be going to a camp meeting service in Hurricane, and then on Wednesday I will be in Ripley going to see a tour group from a Bible college that I am looking to go to. I will be worn out by week's end, and just to top that we will be starting VBS very soon (more on that to come). Until next time folks!!


Monday, June 4, 2007

You want me to do what?!

Hello Folks,
Wow! It is really difficult to keep up with these blogs when you have a busy life...I will try my best to at least to this 2 or 3 times a week...don't be upset if I don't though.
My pastor preached a familiar message yesterday out of the 22nd chapter of Genesis, where it talks about Abraham taking his son Issac up for sacrifice. What is so amazing about this story is that God tells Abraham to do this action to one of his sacred possessions. As we all know, Issac was the promised son to both Abraham and Sarah, and by him showing obedience to God this shows that he really trusted God in the situation. The Bible goes on by telling us that "And Abraham rose up in the morning.."(Genesis 22:4). He did not question God, he just did what he was told to do.
We might not hear the same audible voice that Abraham did thousands of years ago, but we are able to discern God's call by the sweet small voice of the Holy Spirit directing us. Do we answer the call just as Abraham did, or do we question does God really want me to do this?! It took me 6 months to surrender my calling to the ministry, and I wonder to myself, what if I would have answered it earlier? We must trust God when He tells us to do something in our lives. It might not makes sense to you now, but there is a purpose for God calling you to an action, place, etc. I leave you with a verse to meditate on today. It comes from Proverbs, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). Whenever God calls, we must trust in Him and step out with a leap of faith.

Until Next Time,
