Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Hello there folks,
It seems like it has been forever since I have written anything on this blog! I have made some changes to it..and I promise that there are many new posts to come. A lot is going on in my life: I got a summer job already, preaching in different locations, and just new perspectives when it comes to theology. Please keep watching for new updates!

Until Then,

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Sword of the Lord Conference

My pastor and I attended the 2007 Sword of the Lord Conference in Walkertown, NC this past Thursday and Friday. It was a great time of both fellowship with like-minded Christians, and a time to see some of the best preaching I have ever seen in my entire life. One of the most important aspects that I took from this conference was to continue in the old-fashioned way. I don't know about you...but I pray for this nation to get back to the old-time Christian way! Gospel Light Baptist Church's story was so encouraging and showed what God can still do today! Some of these pictures show the amazing ministry of this church, which started in the following picture, and now have a 4,000+ auditorium for morning worship! Hope you all enjoy some of the pics!

Lord willing, I have three preaching appointments within the next week. Ya'll pray that God will help me through this week to become prepared for the week ahead!!

Be Blessed,


Monday, July 23, 2007


Hey all,
Just thought I would update since I am catching so much grief about it! This past weekend was a great weekend. On Saturday I had a preaching appointment in Logan County. The service itself was great even before I was able to preach. The people of the church I attended are very friendly and open to new people coming within the church. My prayer is that I can help them out when they need me. My message this past Saturday was titled "Where's Your Waterpot?" in which I challenged the congregation to ask where their priorities lied. In the story of the woman at the well, we find in verse 28 of the 4th chapter of John, the woman "left her waterpot." Why, you might ask is this so important? It shows a couple things to us today. First, it shows that the woman had been on a mission, but found something different. Aren't you glad the night when you went searching for something and then Jesus showed up and changed you're life completely. Oh PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME for the night that he made my life different. It also shows that she was satisified with the living water that Jesus had provided. She did not need to go back to that old waterpot when she had that "wall of water springing up into everlasting life," such as in the 14th verse of this chapter. Thirdly, this vacant waterpot showed how excited she was about telling others what this man had done for her. I challenge your heart today, has Jesus made a change in your life? If so, are you telling others about him? This woman was so excited that she forgot what she was really there for.
As Christians so many times we tend to go back to that old, beat down waterpot, when we actually have the LIVING WATER!! Are you satisfied today with Jesus, or are you going right back to that old waterpot, the place where sin abounds, to satisfy your needs today. Paul says in Philippians 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Are you going back to that old waterpot, or are you feasting at the well of that living water?
I will be headed to NC this Wednesday for the National Sword of the Lord Conference. I am very, VERY excited about the preachers that I will be hearing this Thursday and Friday and I am also excited about meeting a few people that I have began a friendship with! I believe I might post some pictures and such maybe on Friday during some free time that I have. Well folks, have a wonderful day and please leave many comments. I love to hear that you enjoy reading my blogs!!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

What is Hindering Your Prayers?

Greetings, Brother Jeremy asked me to be a guest blogger this morning. I'm Greg, the pastor of the church that Jeremy attends. Prayer is a very important part of the Christian walk. There are so many Christians that are walking around powerless. Why is that? Because the Power comes from above, and the only way to have it in your live is through and by prayer. Prayer is a privilege that all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ posses, but there is also a responsibility for all believers to make sure there are no hindrances to their prayers.

"If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:" Psalm 66:18.

The Word of God makes it very clear that unconfessed sin (iniquity), in the life of a believer is a hindrance to our prayers. In this day, with so many churches with preachers that are afraid to preach the whole counsel of God, to many Christians do not even hear sin preached against. I believe in eternal security as much as the next independent fundamental preacher, but if there is sin in our lives, it must be confessed. The Bible states that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us."
How is your prayer life? Do you go to Him often in prayer? Are you regarding iniquity in you heart? If so, you have a hindrance in your prayer life. Confess!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Preachers Cook?!

Yes, folks...preachers do cook...and here is your proof. At the VBS Closing last night we were having trouble with the grill so they trusted me on the stove with the chilli(and if you are wondering...no the chilli was not homemade! :))

It was a hard task at that. I think I was more nervous cooking then to climb up in a pulpit and preach. The closing was great though, with over 80 people there! Many of the people were first time visitors. I hope the chilli didn't scare them off too bad haha!

VBS Success

Hello Friends,
It has been a long time since I last posted. So I thought I would add some images of Vacation Bible School which took place last week. For our little church, we had around 40 kids each night. Thank God for the kids that came and got saved! I'm very excited for the weeks ahead for Lens Creek and the community around them! Ya'll remember us in your prayers!

Sanctuary is ready for the kids!

Kids singing along...something my teens would
not do!

Kids in our van that we rented for the week

I've got more pictures coming...it's time to go to work though. Updates will come later with some funny pictures. Have a great Monday everyone!


Thursday, June 14, 2007

A whole lot of PREACHIN'!

My people,
My week has been really busy to say the least. I have heard 3 messages within the past four days! This week has been such a blessing. What message struck me the most out of all three of them was preached by Bro. Tony Smith from Champion Baptist College, and it was at Ripley Baptist Tabernacle. He preached on Jeremiah 10:23 where the Bible tells us: "O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps,"(KJV). What comes out from this verse is man must depend on God, and not of himself to direct his way in life. As humans, we always seem to think that we have control over every situation that comes about us. What we don't understand is that it is God that walks for us. God's will for my life comes through His direction and my obedience for Him. As Christians we must seek the will of God for our daily lives by prayer, obedience to His Word, and our actions. If there is some obstacle that you are battling today, I pray that you will seek His will for your life and not your own.
This Saturday marks a week before the VBS activities begin at church. I cannot wait to begin! I will be teaching the teens class at our church and I am really pumped about the opportunity that God has given me to teach these young and uprising adults. Sometimes we fail to realize how hard Satan tries to devour this age group, and I pray that any action that I do that week will show them Christ. Please remember me in your prayers this week concerning that upcoming event.

Preacher Boy

Friday, June 8, 2007

Update on What's Going ON

Hey folks,
Just wanting to update you on my very busy life. I just got back from an Independent Baptist fellowship, which turned out to be one of my biggest blessing out of the day. The preacher was from St. Louis, MO and he preached on the power the gospel still has in our lives today. It was amazing to hear some testimonies from some of the older pastors there at the fellowship. The message was pretty fiery(those are the best), and it really made me think about my role in spreading the gospel of Christ. So I pose this question for you today, are you telling others about Jesus; or are you just keeping the mighty, powerful gospel to yourself? We must proclaim the truth today and see God work through other people's life changing experiences.
This coming week will be a very busy one. Sunday we have church, and I have the privilege to preach the evening service. On Monday night I attend a Bible study, this Tuesday night my pastor and I will be going to a camp meeting service in Hurricane, and then on Wednesday I will be in Ripley going to see a tour group from a Bible college that I am looking to go to. I will be worn out by week's end, and just to top that we will be starting VBS very soon (more on that to come). Until next time folks!!


Monday, June 4, 2007

You want me to do what?!

Hello Folks,
Wow! It is really difficult to keep up with these blogs when you have a busy life...I will try my best to at least to this 2 or 3 times a week...don't be upset if I don't though.
My pastor preached a familiar message yesterday out of the 22nd chapter of Genesis, where it talks about Abraham taking his son Issac up for sacrifice. What is so amazing about this story is that God tells Abraham to do this action to one of his sacred possessions. As we all know, Issac was the promised son to both Abraham and Sarah, and by him showing obedience to God this shows that he really trusted God in the situation. The Bible goes on by telling us that "And Abraham rose up in the morning.."(Genesis 22:4). He did not question God, he just did what he was told to do.
We might not hear the same audible voice that Abraham did thousands of years ago, but we are able to discern God's call by the sweet small voice of the Holy Spirit directing us. Do we answer the call just as Abraham did, or do we question does God really want me to do this?! It took me 6 months to surrender my calling to the ministry, and I wonder to myself, what if I would have answered it earlier? We must trust God when He tells us to do something in our lives. It might not makes sense to you now, but there is a purpose for God calling you to an action, place, etc. I leave you with a verse to meditate on today. It comes from Proverbs, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). Whenever God calls, we must trust in Him and step out with a leap of faith.

Until Next Time,


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just getting started...

Hello all,
First off for those who are actually viewing my blog, thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so. Your first question probably is...why in the world are you doing this Jeremy? Well after taking a look at many blogs by some particular people, God moved me into this direction to not only put thoughts on a website, but to be of service for people that have questions concerning both Biblical and spiritual issues. Those of you who know me well know that I am not the sharpest when it comes to writing, but I believe that God can bless anything that He is in.
I come tonight with one thing that has been on my mind for quite sometime. Is it ok to be old-fashioned? I would consider myself an old-fashioned type of guy. People view my taste in both music and church old-fashioned like. Yes, I am a member of an independent fundamental baptist church, but I am there because of conviction not just because of their old-fashioned ways. I believe we as Christians need to have some convictions today. Look at our nation today and you can see that we are not even close to what we were years ago concerning our morals and convictions. The prophet Jeremiah speaks about the seeking old ways in God's word: "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16a
There are some serious problems both within our lives and our churches today. We need to get back to the Bible and seek God's face for every situation that comes up in our lives. We need to have those old-fashioned convictions, like believing the Word of God, and reading it!

Until Next Time,
